🌄 Day 63/365
With today’s New Dawn, I’m going to start planning a new art project of sorts, a new reason to gather supplies and make lists and take measurements and organize. I need to create more products to sell and get promotional materials printed and ready. This is a bit sooner than I’d initially thought I’d first display my work in public here. I had told myself not to focus on such things until after I’d been here two years, an arbitrary number I came up with that I decided gave me time to glean the vibe of the art scene(s) here on Maui. I wanted (and want) to be respectful but cautious.
Things are just sort of falling together though, and sooner than I anticipated, like it was fated all along. I’m excited for my new Maui community to see what I can do, which is certainly a lot more than taking sunrise photos every day (no small task, I admit, but not my main gig when it comes to fine art.) More on this very soon! 😘
This moment was captured in Kihei, Maui at 6:09am on the 29th of August, 2022.
Printed on metallic photo paper. Three sizes available, including a commemorative 16x20 inch print on Lustre paper with the date printed on the front! Â
Shipping included. Can be printed larger on request.Â