🌄 Day 43/365Â
Let me tell you about my basic process each morning. My alarm goes off at 530am and I get out of bed without question. No snooze button, no delaying. I have a warm outfit (including socks) that I ready the night before and lay out on my dresser. (I have totally acclimated to the climate here. I’m cold in the mornings.) After I’m dressed, I head out to the balcony (lanai) and catch my first glimpse. Venus is always bright and alone in the sky. I make sure to greet her. At this point I can usually tell how the sunrise is going to play out, whether it be a clear color gradient or wisps of clouds. I take photo after photo because the light changes within seconds. Eventually I know I’ve gotten the best photo I’m going to get that day and the sunrise starts to end. I sit and wait for the entire process to play out before leaving the lanai. When I come back inside, I head into the bedroom with Colin and Musashi, the only room in the apartment that’s still dark. This helps me see the photos better when I’m editing them. I edit a few, then choose the best one. After that I come back out into the bright sunny living room to finish the task. If I stay in the dark bedroom, I start to get sleepy again. I sit on the couch and think and write. When I’ve finished my daily sunrise blurb, I make the rounds of posting it. For the next year, I will continue to utilize social media as though there were no algorithm issues or shady practices by social media billionaires. I’m keeping this schedule because I fell off the artistic radar for a bit and I want the regularity of (online) community and posting again. Rebuilding and re-emerging, if you will. I’ll reevaluate in a year. After all the social posting is done I either force myself to stay up or I go back to bed for a couple of hours. So far, 43 days in a row!
This moment was captured in Kihei, Maui at 6:03am on the 9th of August 2022.
Printed on metallic photo paper. Three sizes available, including a commemorative 16x20 inch print on Lustre paper with the date printed on the front! Â
Shipping included. Can be printed larger on request.Â