🌄 Day 359/365
Happy Solstice! ☀️
While we’re here, before this project ends, and since I’m standing on this chair anyway, check out how beautiful the West Maui Mountains are looking this morning (to the north), all lit up by the rising sun. I don’t normally get a view of these mountains (it’s always cloudy in that direction) but I felt like they were really trying to show off today. “Don’t forget us!” A nice addition to this little (giant) year-long artwork I’ve been making.
Fitting, to have something new, as the season changes over, in more ways than one. As I begin to leave this project behind, it’s time to focus more on me and the rest of my life. I have exciting new projects to look forward to and my photography and online posting will shift to reflect that. It’s time to show my face again, and my other art forms. No more hiding behind the sunrise. This year was intended to be a middle ground between the old and the new. I’m letting the woes and weirdness from 2020 onwards go and turning a new page. Each day has represented what this year has meant — A New Dawn in my life. You’ll be seeing different things from me and that’s okay — these sunrises are part of me now and exist within my soul. Everything I do going forward will have the light of these mornings within me. I am forever altered by them, and better for them. This new season ushers in a new me. I’m very grateful for that.
6 days left.
This sunrise was captured in Kīhei, Maui at 5:45am on the 21st of June, 2023.
Printed on lustre photo paper. Three sizes available, including a commemorative 16x20 inch print! All images, big or small, can be printed with or without the date and time. Just ask!
Shipping included. Can be printed even larger on request.