🌄 Day 154/365
A tiny break in the rain lead to a brand new color I haven’t quite captured before. It’s nice to still find myself surprised. Expectations when I first awoke were low — it looked like a dreary mess. As I was coming to accept this, little slivers of pink and peach peaked out, reminding me to accept the bad along with the good — in everyone, everything. Humans are as complex as the skies. We change into something new each day, forever altered by the day before, which is now locked eternally in the past. There’s nothing but the here and now, and the hope of moving forward with renewed strength, wisdom from mistakes already made, and the necessary personal reflection to grow into better people. A fresh start every day, rain or shine. May we each find a better version of ourselves amidst the dreary mess.
This sunrise was captured in Kihei, Maui at 6:44am on the 28th of November, 2022.
Printed on lustre photo paper. Three sizes available, including a commemorative 16x20 inch print! All images, big or small, can be printed with or without the date and time. Just ask!
Shipping included. Can be printed even larger on request.Â