🌄 Day 345/365
20 days left! Now that’s a clear sky. We’re in the homestretch and I’m excited to see how this project finishes up. I’m working out a few options on book printing, but as you can imagine with 365 sunrises and 365 diaries, it’s a big book! That’s a lot of color pages to print and I’m having trouble finding a printing company (whether it’s print-on-demand or a traditional printing house) that can handle that size. It can be done, I just have to figure how what’s the best course of action. When all is said and done, it will be a large, fancy art book. (And this daily diary will be included, making it all very meta.) More info on that a little later.
Sending glorious clear air and oxygenated thoughts to the rest of the country experiencing smoky skies and bits of ash in their eyes. I feel you! I barely survived each year in California.
This sunrise was captured in KÄ«hei, Maui at 5:44am on the 7th of June, 2023.
Printed on lustre photo paper. Three sizes available, including a commemorative 16x20 inch print! All images, big or small, can be printed with or without the date and time. Just ask!
Shipping included. Can be printed even larger on request.Â